In Black Ops 4, score is retained through death. Chain together multiple kills in a single life for big Score bonuses. Once earned, call in a Scorestreak during combat and reap its benefits. Keep an eye on the Scorestreak HUD to see what you have available. Use the Comsec Device to lower the points required.
Pilot an anti-personnel drone. Remote detonate the drone or detonate on impact.
Points: 450 – (350 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level 33
Remote controlled car strapped with explosives.
Points: 500 – (400 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level 9
Lightning Strike
Launch a targeted airstrike on three locations.
Points: 850 – (600 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level 21
Deploy a deadly automated turret that targets enemy players, vehicles, and equipment.
Points: 900 – (700 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level 27
Control a Hellstorm missile with manually-triggered cluster bombs that track enemy targets.
Points: 950 – (750 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Default
Drone Squad
Call in a squadron of autonomous drone outfitted with machine gun turrets.
Points: 1000 – (800 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level 51
Sniper’s Nest
Call in the support of 2 heli snipers.
Points: 1050 – (850 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level 15
Heavily armored quadrupedal combat robot. Can be remote controlled.
Points: 1100 – (900 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level 41
AI piloted strafe run that lays heavy machine gun and rocket fire.
Points: 1200 – (950 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level 45
Strike Team
Two elite armored soldiers drop in from a chopper to clear a position. Command them to move by marking locations.
Points: 1350 – (1050 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level Level 39
Be the gunner in a close air support gunship.
Points: 1600 – (1350 Comsec Device)
Unlocked: Level 54