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Call of Duty Maps


5/5 - (1 vote)
Release Date September 14, 2004
Location Berlin, Germany
Remakes None
Release DateLocationRemakes
September 14, 2004Berlin, GermanyNone

Berlin, Germany is on fire, find come cover in this very large city above or below ground but always watch your flank. – United Offensive – Berlin

berlin out

Outside of the map players will see many spotlights shining into the sky along with all of Berlin engulfed in flames, the sky is dark orange from the size of this fire. All buildings in sight are completely destroyed from the large war that took place here.

berlin tunnels

Tunnels can be used in all areas under the map, the tunnel system here is the largest tunnel system ever added to a Call of Duty map. Use the tight concrete tunnels to get to the dirt tunnels and back out to the other side of the map.

berlin vehicles

Players can use two tanks on this large map, the Russian T-34 with a cannon and an SG-43 machine gun on its top and the German Panzer IV that also has a cannon and an MG42 machine gun strapped to the top. Tanks are very slow but powerful, just remember to time the cannon shots correctly and if manning the machine gun you watch for enemies behind you.

Call of Duty 1

Night Light