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Call of Duty Maps


5/5 - (4 votes)
Release Date September 14, 2004
Location Stalingrad
Remakes None
Release DateLocationRemakes
September 14, 2004StalingradNone

Fit for medium to long-range combat with buildings and tunnels that allow for some great close-range combat opportunities. – United Offensive – Stanjel


Outside of this small hilltop town is many large hills with mountains in the far distance, just to the outskirts are many deep cliffs, trees, and bushes. The sky is sunny, bright blue, and slightly cloudy.


Tunnels can be found useful on Stanjel, use them to get from under the building out to the hillside. The tunnels are filled with random rooms and offices. Always watch for campers in the corners of the tunnels.

Call of Duty 1

Night Light