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Call of Duty Maps


3.7/5 - (14 votes)
Release Date June 3, 2010
Location Afghanistan
Remakes View All
Release DateLocationRemakes
June 3, 2010AfghanistanView All

Large urban desert town. Excellent team games. – Strike


Smoking buildings, palm trees, and empty streets is what you see outside of Strike. No difference from the Call of Duty 4 version.


Rooftops around the map have sentry guns, rockets launchers and other defense weapons on them.


On the wall next to Joe’s Party Ice machine you can see the words “USA GO HOME!” spray-painted on the wall.


Shooting the pop machines found around the map will result in “Big Thirsty Cola” to spit out at your feet, one of the only few pop machines in this game that will give you free drinks.


Posters of Khaled Al-Asad, one of the main villains in the series can be seen in some of the streets.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Night Light