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Call of Duty Maps


4.2/5 - (9 votes)
Release Date November 8, 2011
Location London, England
Remakes None
Release DateLocationRemakes
November 8, 2011London, EnglandNone

Small subway station. Fast paced action both inside and out. – Underground


London streets filled with buses and trains and the city of London in all of its glory is what you see outside Underground.


Infinity Ward employees can be seen on the cover of magazines: Robert Bowling: The World of Technology – Bearded Man Invents Time Travel and Chris Lai: MAN Magazine – Fashion Accessories Lifestyle.


A newspaper found inside the double floor busses are labeled with the Infinity Ward Initials and say: Mutant Buffalo Returns!


A newspaper seen inside the newsstands says: President plays Spec Ops and his state of the union advises Americans to play too.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Night Light