If you prefer a pistol, you will get many WWII weapon options, grab a launcher to blow up the enemy or their vehicles. Everyone loves a good Melee weapon!
Fast-firing semi-automatic pistol. Effective at close range.
Unlocked: Default Magazine Size: 9 rounds
TOP Break
High-caliber revolver effective out to medium range.
Unlocked: Level 12 Magazine Size: 6 rounds
Versatile semi-automatic pistol accurate at close and medium range.
Unlocked: Level 23 Magazine Size: 8 rounds
Steady high-caliber semi-automatic pistol more effective at range than other pistols.
Unlocked: Level 35 Magazine Size: 8 rounds
Machine Pistol
Very fast firing fully-automatic pistol. Effective at close range.
Unlocked: Level 45 Magazine Size: 10 rounds
Valois Revolver
A combination knife and revolver that acts as both a lethal melee weapon and a pistol.
Unlocked: Level 45 Magazine Size: 6 rounds
M1 Bazooka
Shoulder-fired launcher firing 60mm explosive rockets. Highly effective against vehicles.
Unlocked: Level 11 Magazine Size: 1 round
Shoulder-fired launcher firing 60mm explosive rockets. Highly effective against vehicles.
Unlocked: Level 26 Magazine Size: 1 round
Disposable launcher firing a shaped charge warhead. Effective against vehicles and infantry.
Unlocked: Level 34 Magazine Size: 1 round
MK11 Launcher
Repurposed launcher firing two-inch mortars. Very effective against infantry.
Unlocked: Level 52 Magazine Size: 1 round
FS Fighting Knife
A CQC tactical knife. Standard military issue, employed for fast, quiet, and deadly wetwork.
Unlocked: Level 22
SKAL Crusher
A tool usually used to shop apart wood; it can also chop apart enemies or be thrown at them.
Unlocked: Challenge
A handy climbing implement that has combat use as both a melee or thrown weapon.
Unlocked: Challenge
A tool designed for breaking stone, though it works equally well on enemy bones in a pinch.
Unlocked: Challenge
Push Dagger
A blade with a T-shaped grip that allows for increased push power. Easily concealable and deadly in CQC.
Unlocked: Challenge