Equipment in World at War is known as Primary and Secondary Grenades, the Signal Flare is so blinding it’s easy to blind yourself, the Primary Grenades are great for flushing out the enemy.
Primary Grenades
Anti-personnel device that destroys the target with a burst of flying shrapnel.
Unlocked: Default
N° 74ST
Device designed as an anti-tank grenade. Beware, very dangerous.
Unlocked: Default
Molotov Cocktail
Incendiary device that harms the target with a radius of fire.
Unlocked: Level 10
Special Grenades
Device that creates a smoke screen when detonated.
Unlocked: Default
Tabun Gas
Device that unleashes a poisonous smoke screen which blurs the vision and impairs movement.
Unlocked: Default
Signal Flare
Device that produces an intense light, blinding and disorienting any targets that are in its field of view.
Unlocked: Default