Perks in Call of Duty Ghosts are categized by type from speed to Elite. With over 30 perks to choose from you will find the standards like Marathon and Scavenger and some that have never been seen before like Takedown...
Large Russian apartment bloc. Intense Domination matches.
The Valley is ideal for sniper rifles and other long-range weapons, long fields and high slopes make for a perfect sniper fight. - United Offensive
Tiny desert sandstorm. Fast-paced action on a small map.
High end shopping mall on the edge of the universe. Quick flank routes frame a chaotic center in this medium sized map.
Large oil refinery. Good balance of medium to long range fire fights.
Derelict Russian ghost town. Great for careful, tactical engagements.
Project Nightfall’s small, abandoned excavation site provides plenty of close quarters combat.
Special Operations
Choose your role, perfect your loadout, and deploy with 3 other Operators to complete epic, story-based operations
Speedball style warehouse interior. Great for small teams.
Big sunny Irish farm. Excellent for Sabotage matches.
Cheshire Park
Three distinct lanes of combat created by the Garden Square and four streets that circle this central park area with many unique tactical opportunities - Cheshire Park