Secondary Weapons found in Infinite Warfare are your go-to weapon when out of ammo or need a quick change of playstyle. These weapons include up close and personal melee weapons and rockets that can be used to take down scorestreaks or even blow up the enemy.
Semi-auto energy pistol. Reliably delivers consistent stopping power.
Unlocked: Default Magazine Size: 14 rounds
Full-auto energy pistol. Features a harmonic microcontroller that accelerates fire rate over time.
Unlocked: Level 14 Magazine Size: 24 rounds
Kendall 44
Semi-auto ballistic pistol. Allows ultra-fast trigger cycling in a lightweight mold for increased hip fire control.
Unlocked: Level 35 Magazine Size: 10 rounds
Versatile semi-automatic pistol accurate at close and medium range.
Unlocked: Level 48 Magazine Size: 12 rounds
Full-auto ballistic pistol built from modular pieces. This configuration has a slow fire rate but high damage that is effective at longer ranges.
Unlocked: Challenge Magazine Size: 14 rounds
Stallion .44
Single fire ballistic revolver. Fanning the hammer provides faster fire from the hip that gets increasingly more accurate.
Unlocked: Challenge Magazine Size: 6 rounds
Spartan SA3
Lock-on launcher. Primarily anti-air with an optical smart lock, but can be dumb fired.
Unlocked: Default Magazine Size: 1 round
Charged energy launcher. Deploys volatile plasma charges that explode for extreme splash damage.
Unlocked: Level 20 Magazine Size: 16 rounds
Grenade launcher. Launches quick, deadly projectiles that explode on impact.
Unlocked: Level 50 Magazine Size: 3 rounds
Experimental projectile launcher with two modes, shoot long range projectiles that stick on impact or short range projectiles with lower damage.
Unlocked: Season Pass Magazine Size: 3 rounds
Combat Knife
CQC tactical knife. Standard military issue, employed for fast, quiet, and deadly wetwork.
Unlocked: Level 37
Pulverize enemies with this melee weapon that acquires targets in a wider range.
Unlocked: Supply Drop
Full-auto ballistic pistol. Delivers the highest fire rate and recoil across all weapon classes.
Unlocked: Classic Weapon Token Magazine Size: 20 rounds