A wide variety of perks are available to support players throughout the battle, some offer faster movement while others provide cover from overhead killstreaks. Players can carry a second Primary with Overkill and even Stalker to allow Full speed movement when ADS.
Perk Tier 1
Explosive damage paints the target on the mini-map.
Pro: Bullet damage paints the target on the mini-map.
Unlocked: Default
Slight of Hand
Faster reloading.
Pro: Swap weapons faster.
Unlocked: Default
Blind Eye
Undetectable by air support and sentries.
Pro: Launchers lock-on quicker. Extra bullet damage versus air support and sentries.
Unlocked: Level 11
Extreme Conditioning
Sprint for longer distances.
Pro: Climb obstacles faster.
Unlocked: Level 22
Resupply from dead enemies.
Pro: Extra mags.
Unlocked: Level 39
Perk Tier 2
Faster aiming
Pro: Recover from equipment and grenade usage quicker.
Unlocked: Default
Blast Shield
Increased explosive resistance.
Pro: Resistance to flash and stun.
Unlocked: Default
Killstreaks require 1 less kill.
Pro: Two assists count as a kill towards your killstreak. Deathstreaks require 1 less death.
Unlocked: Level 15
Undetectable by UAV, portable radar, and heartbeat sensors.
Pro: Immune to CUAV and EMP. No red crosshair or mane when targeted.
Unlocked: Level 27
Carry two primary weapons.
Pro: Attachment on second primary.
Unlocked: Level 47
Perk Tier 3
Identify enemy targets at longer range.
Pro: Longer hold breath.
Unlocked: Default
Move faster while aiming.
Pro: Delay detection-triggered explosives.
Unlocked: Default
Detect enemy explosives and tactical equipment.
Pro: Louder enemy footsteps.
Unlocked: Level 19
Steady Aim
Increased hip fire accuracy.
Pro: Weapon ready faster after sprinting.
Unlocked: Level 30
Dead Silence
Move quietly. Reduce the effects of recon.
Pro: No falling damage.
Unlocked: Level 55