Secondary Weapons are your backup weapon and engagement style change weapons. these include lightweight, low-capacity weapons with extremely quick handling speeds, shells for extreme close-quarters situations, single-shot weapons with explosive payloads, and many hand-to-hand combat weapons like knives and Kali Sticks.
A semi-automatic pistol chambered in .45 ACP ammunition. A reliable fallback when you find yourself in close quarters.
Unlocked: Default Magazine Size: 13 rounds
A well-rounded, semi-automatic sidearm with a moderate rate of fire. Slightly more range than your average .45 ACP pistol.
Unlocked: Default Magazine Size: 7 rounds
Double action revolver firing .357 Magnum ammunition for powerful damage over extended ranges.
Unlocked: Level 21 Magazine Size: 6 rounds
Semi-automatic 9mm pistol, excellent stability with a rapid cycle rate.
Unlocked: Level 37 Magazine Size: 17 rounds
.50 GS
The most powerful semi-automatic handgun available, deals heavy damage up to intermediate ranges.
Unlocked: Level 52 Magazine Size: 7 rounds
Well rounded semi-auto 9mm pistol. This unassuming sidearm excels in close range combat, and features gunsmithing capabilities unique to the pistol class that permit a variety of engagement strategies.
Unlocked: Challenge Magazine Size: 15 rounds
A dependable fallback in close quarters, this double-action/single-action sidearm comes with a few custom gunsmith mods that make it an outstanding addition to any arsenal.
Unlocked: Challenge Magazine Size: 12 rounds
Portable infrared surface-to-air missile launcher with a free-fire option. Self-propelled missiles have a higher speed, and moderate explosive yield.
Unlocked: Default Magazine Size: 1 round
84mm recoilless launcher lobs an explosive projectile at a very high velocity. The unguided armor piercing round has a low explosive yield, but is devastating against vehicles on contact.
Unlocked: Level 17 Magazine Size: 1 round
Fire and forget lock-on portable missile launcher with a large explosive yield. Infrared guided missiles take a top-attack trajectory, ensuring destruction of heavily armored vehicles.
Unlocked: Level 35 Magazine Size: 1 round
Unguided, self-propelled rocket launcher fires a slower projectile with a high-explosive yield.
Unlocked: Level 44 Magazine Size: 1 round
Lethal melee weapon. Straight-edge blade that kills enemies with a single deadly strike.
Unlocked: Level 22
Kali Sticks
Dual wielding batons allow operators to approach their targets with great agility. Sturdy, lightweight design enables rapid attacks for zoning your enemies.
Unlocked: Challenge
Dual Kodachis
Hand forged carbon steel blades provide the sharpest edge possible for silently slicing through your enemies.
Unlocked: Challenge