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Call of Duty Maps

Special Operations

2.2/5 - (20 votes)

Choose your role, perfect your loadout, and deploy with 3 other Operators to complete epic, story-based operations. Special Operations are an extension of the Campaign.


Operation Headhunter
Infiltrate, expose, and eliminate the terrorist network of Almalik – AQ’s slumlord-in-chief.
Location: Hotel Volodymyr, Downtown Verdansk, Kastovia


Operation Kuvalda
Assault Almalik’s base of operations and mark his weapons for aistrike, spiking the AQ foothold in Verdansk.
Location: Arklov Peak Military Facility, East Verdansk, Kastovia


Operation Harbinger
Gather intel on the whereabouts of local informant MAGE and verify his reports of a “major shipment” leaving Verdansk.
Location: Prochnyy Storage Office, Northern Verdansk, Kastovia


Operation Brimstone
El Traficante’s train has left the quarry carrying explosives. Fight your way through the railyard, recall the train, and rig it for detonation.
Location: Abandoned Farmhouse, Eastern Verdansk, Kastovia


Operation Just Reward
Cut off AQ’s money supply in Verdansk and target the head of their financial operation – The Banker.
Location: XK Architects Building, Downtown Verdansk, Kastovia


Operation Strongbox
Push into the Verdansk Bank, cut open the vault, and find the key to AQ’s financial network. If the Banker is there, capture or kill.
Location: Monument Roundabout, Downtown Tavorsk District, Verdansk


Operation Paladin
Go behind enemy lines, extract Dr. Linda Morales, and user her intel to hund “Mr Z” – benefactor and source of AQ’s new arsenal.
Location: Old Stationhouse, Western Verdansk, Kastovia


Operation Crosswind
Infiltrate the AQ-occupied Verdansk Airport, board the hijacked 747, and recover its deadly cargo.
Location: GP Guns & Ammo, Western Verdansk, Kastovia

Role Selection


Active Ability: Team Armor: Give team heavy armor with a recharge rate of slow.
Passive Ability: Launcher Ammo+: 100% more ammo in Launchers.


Active Ability: Recon Drone: Remote-controlled drone that marks enemies with a recharge rate of Fast.
Passive Ability: Steady Aim: Weapons have very low recoil.


Active Ability: Thermite Launcher: Grenade Launcher with Thermite Rounds and a recharge rate of Medium.
Passive Ability: Scavenge Grenades: Enemies drop grenade pickups.


Active Ability: Team Revive: Revives all down teammates with a recharge rate of Slow.
Passive Ability: Quick Revive: Revive downed players faster.


Active Ability: Team Stopping Power: Gives team stopping power rounds that deal extra damage with a recharge rate of Medium.
Passive Ability: Fast Reload: Reload your weapon much faster.


Active Ability: EMP Drone: Launch and control a drone that disables enemy vehicles and equipment with a recharge rate of Fast.
Passive Ability: Armor Piercing: Extra Damage to Armored Targets and Vehicles.



Munitions are support streaks that are obtained during gameplay and range from Equipment to killstreaks.
Ammo Crate: Free, Armor Crate: Free, Grenade Crate: Free, Trophy System: 100 points, Deployable Cover: 100 points, UAV: 200 points, Shield Turret: 250 points, Cluster Strike: 300 points, Cruise Missile: 400 points, Precision Airstrike: 400 points, Respawn Flare: 500 points, Sentry Gun: 500 points, Juggernaut: 1000 points, Chopper Gunner: 3000 points, Gunship: 3500 points

Classic Special Ops

A repayable, curated experience where your proficiency with specific weapons, killstreaks, and other tools will be tested.


Bomb Squad
Defuse IEDS before detonation.
Rewards: Succeed 3,600xp, under 6 Minutes 4,800xp, Under 4 Minutes 6,000xp.


Infiltrate. Clear all hostile forces. Transfer classified intelligence. Move to exfil.
Rewards: Succeed 7,200xp, under 6 Minutes 9,600xp, Under 4 Minutes 12,000xp.


Door Kick
Infiltrate. Retrieve enemy intel. Move to extraction point.
Rewards: Succeed 3,000xp, under 6 Minutes 4,000xp, Under 4 Minutes 5,000xp.


Engage and eliminate AQ militants. Resecure airbase.
Rewards: Succeed 5,100xp, under 6 Minutes 6,800xp, Under 4 Minutes 8,500xp.


Pitch Black
Infiltrate. Recover and transmit all on-site intel to your Tactical Rover. Advisory: Defend Rover for ground exfil.
Rewards: Succeed 4,200xp, under 6 Minutes 5,600xp, Under 4 Minutes 7,000xp.


Armed Air Reconnaissance. Report enemy troop movement.
Rewards: Succeed 6,000xp, under 6 Minutes 8,000xp, Under 4 Minutes 10,000xp.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Night Light