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Call of Duty Maps


3.5/5 - (22 votes)
Release Date November 9, 2010
Location Pentagon, USA
Remakes None
Release DateLocationRemakes
November 9, 2010Pentagon, USANone
John F. Kennedy Richard Nixon Robert McNamara Fidel Castro

The Pentagon is under attack! Washington is going to DEFCON 1 in this installment of “Zombies”. – “FIVE”

Raygun Winter’s Howl Monkey Bomb Bowie Knife

Raygun – AMMO: 180 Shots – Pack-A-Punched: 240 Shots – Reload: 3 Seconds – Fire Mode: Automatic.
Winter’s Howl – AMMO: 36 Shots – Pack-A-Punched: 45 Shots – Reload: 3.8 Seconds – Fire mode: Semi-automatic
Monkey Bomb – AMMO: 3 Tactical – Fire mode: Thrown.
Bowie Knife – AMMO: Infinite – Fire mode: Melee

Quick Revive Juggernog Speed Cola Double Tap Rootbeer Mule Kick

Quick Revive: Shorter delay before regenerating health and increased regeneration rate. Revive Players faster. – Cost: 500 / 1500 Points
Juggernog: Increased health from 100 to 250, – Cost: 2500 Points
Speed Cola: Cuts reload time in half and builds barriers by 60% faster. – Cost: 3000 Points
Double Shot Root Beer: Shots two bullets for every one bullet fired, doubling the damage for bullet weapons. – Cost: 2000 Points
Mule Kick: Carry an additional Primary weapon. A total of three guns. Going down will remove the last purchased weapon. – Cost: 4000 Points


Wall Weapons include the fan-favorite Bowie knife and the M16. Other weapons found on the wall of this map are the Olympia, M14, MPL, PM63, MP5K, Stakeout, AK47u, Claymores, and M67 Grenades. Just like all other maps, Each weapon costs points with the Bowie Knife being the most expensive at 3000 points and the cheapest being the 250 points for Grenades.


Mystery Box weapons include the maps Wonder Weapons and many other guns like the CZ75, Python, Spectre, FN FAL, G11 with low power scope, Famas, Aug with scope, Commando, Galil, HS-10, SPAS-12, Dragunov, L96A1, RPK, HK21, China Lake, M72 Law, Crossbow and the Ballistic Knifes. The Mystery Box costs 950 points and responds to new location after being used a number of times. A T.V. above each box will show the current location on the box.


Many types of Power-Ups are available on this map with Bonfire being exclusive to the map, Bonfire will change all teleporters to link to Pack-A-Punch with the Cost to upgrade your weapon only being 1000 points from the standard 5000 points, Death Machine gives the player a minigun for 30 seconds with unlimited ammo, Carpenter rebuilds all the barriers across the map, Max Ammo will give all teammates full ammo, Double Points will grant every player with double the points fill kills and boarding up windows, Insta-Kill will instantly kill zombies with any bullet type for a limited time and Nuke will kill every zombie on the map including zombies that just spawn outside the map area.


The Power Switch can be found in the Lab Area and is needed to activate the Perk Machines and the Teleporters. The power is not needed to take the elevators but is needed to be on before the Thief will spawn to steel your gun. If playing solo you will not need power to but Quick Revive.


The main floor has two Electric Traps, one on each side of the meeting room. Each one will require the electric panel switch to be found, the switches can be found on the floors below.


The Elevators take players from floor to floor, all three floors can be accessed by the elevator and the teleporters.


Pictures are seen scattered around the map of previous Presidents like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington other pictures also show the 1st Treasurer Alexander Hamilton and the founding father Benjamin Franklin.


A picture of Edward Richtofen can be found on the wall inside the 115 Clearance Room. (Pack-A-Punch Room)


The Pentagon Thief replaces the Hellhound rounds on “FIVE”, the thief will not injure the players as his main objective is to steal the players weapons, If he gets a weapon the only way to get it back is to kill him before he escapes. Killing the thief after he steals a weapon will grant the players with Max Ammo and a Fire Sale. Killing him before he takes any guns will grant the players with a Max Ammo and a Bonfire Sale. If the thief does escape with a weapon all player will still get a Max Ammo.


The DEFCON (Defense Readiness Condition) is a feature in the map that unlocks the Panic Room, the location of the Pack-A-Punch machine. To get the Pentagon to DEFCON 5 you will need to find four switches and take a teleporter. After the Panic room opens it will stay open until all players leave the room, after leaving the room the DEFON level need to be changed again to open it. The four switches can be found in the War Room. The Panic room is also known as the 115 Clearance Room.


The Musical Easter Egg can be activated by finding three telephones around the map, the first one can be found in the starting room also known as the board room, the second one is found in the Lab Area and the last one is located in the Panic Room. After activating all three phones the song “Won’t Back Down” by Eminem will start playing.

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