Korean cement factory. Great for close quarter combat and tactical maneuvering.
Modern Warfare
75 Maps
Infinity Ward
Founded | 2002 |
Official Website | Encino, Los Angeles |
Multiplayer Maps | 268 |
Founded | Official Website | Multiplayer Maps |
2002 | Encino, Los Angeles | 268 |
Korean cement factory. Great for close quarter combat and tactical maneuvering.
Parisian district. Great for Domination and Kill Confirmed.
Take to the trenches of Egypt at night and in the snow. Watch for enemies above, below, and across the map at all times.
Abandoned Utah mining settlement. Features an open layout and strong flanks
A Call of Duty 1 Fan-favorite returns, large open fields with trees, use the ruins and trenches for cover. Grab a sandbag-mounted machine gun to control the fields.
A resting place for discarded airplane parts, Zhokov Boneyard is a Ground War map in Verdansk. Traipse through this airplane junk yard and avoid the turbulence of the enemy team while capturing your objectives. - Zhokov...
Urban city fighting. In and out of apartments close range engagements.
The contemporary setting of an exclusive art gallery is a direct contrast to the frenetic action. Tight close quarter encounters bloom out into open exterior battlegrounds in this wide, three-lane style map.
A rural Kastovia train station on the top of a hillside, use the boxcars as cover and the open train tracks to take down the enemy. - Station
A very small battle between bunkers and farmland, ideal for weapons like the Thompson
Equipment in Modern Warfare 2 includes Lethal and Tactical. Lethals are deadly with the ability to toss them and plant some of the others. All Tactical equipment can be tossed and mainly used to confuse the enemy.