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Call of Duty Maps


3.6/5 - (19 votes)
Release Date October 6, 2021
Location Adler’s Consciousness
Remakes None
Release DateLocationRemakes
October 6, 2021Adler’s ConsciousnessNone

Mason enters Adler’s fragmented mind to remove Stitch’s brainwashing. – Deprogram

outside the map

Outside of Deprogram is a few mountains and flouting rocks along with a dome of numbers, behind the numbers the players will see a large holographic of Stitch appearing every few moments.


All players enter the dome through a Red Door, the same Red Door that is used on the map and seen in Warzone.

ammo crate

One Ammo Crate can be found next to the large wall of intel, just outside of the white room. This location provides good cover when in need of more ammo.

red door

The Red Doors on the map will teleport players into a fully white room, this room will is located just off the map but can be used to get a high ground and cover over the enemy, players can get back to the main map by simply jumping back into the maps battle area.

15th marines

Deprogram is home to the 15th Marines from 1960 to 1963. “DA BIGGER DA BETTA”, “SO GOOD YOU CAN’T KEEP UP”. BOOM!! P.S. The 15 Look Bad.

intel board

A large board of intel can be found just outside the man building with information on a Soviet Facility, Perseus, Operation Red Circus, Operation Chaos, KGB Headquarters, and much more!

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