Special Ops Challenges are secret Multiplayer Challenges, each one grants the player with XP, Challenge Score, and a special Calling Card. Some are just about impossible to complete, with the right timing and precision just about any player can achieve the Special Ops Master Calling Card!
Special Ops Challenges
Phase Hunter
Follow another FTL Rig into Phase Shift and kill them there.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
War Chief
Melee an enemy without killing them, then survive for a minute.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
Melee an enemy who has been Plagued.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
Epic Run
Get 2 kills with one bullet while wall running.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
Epic Slide
Get 2 kills with one bullet while power sliding.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
Bounce House
Get 2 headshot kills in a row with ricochet.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
Triple Slide Stop
Get 3 kills in a row using the last bullet in a clip.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
How the ?
Kill an enemy by triggering an explosive with another explosive.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
Chimp Warfare
Damage an enemy with 4 different weapons without killing them.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
Chrome Dome
Save yourself and 2 teammates from a Trinity Rocket scorestreak using the Dome Shield.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
No Idea What I’m Doing
Kill 100 enemies using the Hailstorm with an optic, Akimbo, and Quickdraw attached.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
Earn a De-Atomizer Strike.
Reward: 1,000 XP/250 Challenge Score
Special Ops Master
Complete all of the secret Special Ops challenges.
Reward: 10,000 XP/1000 Challenge Score