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Call of Duty Maps


3.9/5 - (94 votes)
Release Date November 12, 2012
Location Hanford, Washington, USA
Remakes None
Release DateLocationRemakes
November 12, 2012Hanford, Washington, USANone
Abigail Misty Briarton Marlton Johnson Russman Samuel Stuhlinger

Continue the fight against the undead and search for clues to the truth of what lies ahead… – TranZit

Raygun Raygun Mark II Thrustodyne Aeronautics Monkey Bomb Bowie Knife Zombie Shield

Raygun – AMMO: 180 Shots – Pack-A-Punched: 240 Shots – Reload: 3 Seconds – Fire Mode: Automatic.
Ray Gun Mark II – AMMO: 183 Shots – Pack-A-Punched: 243 Shots – Reload: 2.9 Seconds – Fire mode: 3-Round Burst.
Thrustodyne Aeronautics – AMMO: 15 Second – Reload: Cooldown – Fire mode: Automatic – Type: Buildable
Monkey Bomb – AMMO: 3 Tactical – Fire mode: Thrown.
Bowie Knife – AMMO: Infinite – Fire mode: Melee
Zombie Shield – Fire mode: Melee – Type: Buildable

Quick Revive Juggernog Speed Cola Stamin-Up Double Tap Rootbeer II Tombstone

Quick Revive: Shorter delay before regenerating health and increased regeneration rate. Revive Players faster. – Cost: 500 / 1500 Points
Juggernog: Increased health from 100 to 250, – Cost: 2500 Points
Speed Cola: Cuts reload time in half and builds barriers by 60% faster. – Cost: 3000 Points
Stamin-Up: Increased sprint speed and duration. Stamina regenerates faster. Cost: 2000 Points
Double Tap Root Beer II: Increases bullet weapon damage by 33%. – Cost: 2000 Points
Tombstone: Players that die can run back to the same spot to recover all perks and weapons. A limited time until the power-up is lost. – Cost: 2000 Points


Game modes include the Standard Mode on the full map or Survival at the Bus Depot, Farm and Town along with Grief at Farm or Town, and lastly Turned at the Diner.  
Survival: Survive with limited weapons and without the Pack-a-Punch or any perks. It’s a masochist’s dream. Go on, we dare you!
Grief: Fight the undead WITH or AGAINST the other team. But in the end, only one team survives…
Turned: See how the other half live! Play as a zombie and feast on the human for a chance to be… turned!


Power-Ups include Bonus Points that give the player who picks it up (or everyone in the game) a random number of points, Fire Sale will spawn all Mystery Box locations and change the cost from 950 points to 10 points, Carpenter rebuilds all the barriers across the map, Max Ammo will give all teammates full ammo, Double Points will grant every player with double the points fill kills and boarding up windows, Insta-Kill will instantly kill zombies with any bullet type for a limited time and Nuke will kill every zombie on the map including zombies that just spawn outside the map area.


Wall Weapons include the new Galvaknuckles, punch the zombies in the face, and watch them drop. Other wall weapons include the Bowie Knife, M14, Olympia, B23R, MP5, AK74u, Colt M16A1, Remington 870 MCS, Claymores, and Semtex Grenades.


Box Weapons include the Wonder Weapons above along with the Five-Seven Pistol, KAP-40, Python, Executioner, Chicom CQB, SMR, FAL, M8A1, Type 25, MTAR, Galil, M1216, S12, Barrett M82A1, DSR 50, HAMR, RPD, Ballistic Knife, War Machine, RPG and an EMP Grenade.


Denizens also referred to in-game as Screechers are enemy zombies that hide in the fog, anytime players run into the fog the Denizens will jump on the player’s head and attack. To kill the Denizens it will take five knife hits, to stop a Denizens from attacking the player can melee it before it attacks. Denizens will stop attaching anytime its within the light, running into the light will cause them to jump off and run away.


The Power is needed to buy perks and use traps along with add extra lighting to other areas, the power switch will need to be assembled at the power plant and will require three parts, a Lever, Zombie Hand, and a Power Board. The parts can be found in three locations of the power plant. One in the first hallway upon buying the door to the power plant, the second will be in a random spot around the reactor and the last will be in the same room as the workbench on a computer.


The Pack-A-Punch machine is under the Bank and will need two doors to be blown open with explosives and the third door will need the power to open, go to the power plant with a Turbine and place is next to the wall with a lightning bolt, this will allow players to open the door. After opening the door, the Pack-a-Punch has to be built on the other end of the hallway by using the parts scattered throughout the room. The Pack-A-Punch room will close after all players leave the room and will require another Turbine to enter the room again.


The Turbine is used as a device that will power other devices, it will open certain doors, Power perk machines, power streetlights, restart the bus after an EMP disables it, and power other buildable like the Turret. It can be built inside the spawn room by finding a Mannequin, a Tail, and The Fan. The locations are one next to the Trazit map, another on one of the bus station seats, and the last one on the floor near the bookshelf.


The Turret is a mobile Turret gun that can be placed anywhere, it comes with over 600 bullets and can kill zombies and players with only a few shots so don’t get in its way! To build the Turret players will need to gather three parts all located at the Farm with the first one being an unusable RPD that is found on the top floor of the barn, another one is an Ammo Bag that can be found on the bottom floor of the house near the build table and the last part is the Lawn Mower which is found behind the back door of the house.


An Electric Trap can be assembled in the building above the Power Room, it will require a Car Battery, Metal Plate and Glass from a T.V. all of which are found in the same room as the build table. The Electric Trap will kill zombies in range instantly up to round 55.


Grab a Zombie Shield to smack the zombies around and also use it as a way to protect your back when not in use. The Zombie Shield will require a Car Door and a Hand Trolley, all parts can be found around the garage at the Diner.


Thrustodyne Aeronautics (Jet Gun) is the wonder weapon of the map that lasts for 15 seconds of continuous firing before needing to cool down. It requires 4 parts to be assembled. A Jet Engine that can be found inside the tunnel, Wires found near Tombstone Soda, Handbrake found inside the Nacht der Untoten building, and lastly the Pressure Gauge that is found inside the Hunter’s Cabin. The build table is located on the first floor of the Bar.


The Bus is the main way around the map, it stops at all major locations and keeps the players safe from zombies. The bus driver is nice but if mistreated he will stop the bus in the middle of the forest and leave the players stranded. The but has a few things that can be added to it: Cowcatcher can be attached to the front of the bus to keep zombies from jumping in the front window, a Lader can be placed on the back to allow players to get on the roof and an escape hatch can be attached inside the bus for another way on to the roof.


Inside the Bank behind the vault door, you can find two keys, one will allow you to deposit money and the other to withdraw. This can be a place to put extra money for other times you feel like playing. Just outside the vault, another two keys can be found, these are used for giving other teammates money.


Inside the farmhouse is a Fridge, the fridge can be used for storing guns for later or for other future games. This is a great way to store a Pack=A-Punched weapon for a future game.


Powering the light posts with the Turbine will open a Portal on the ground that allows players to teleport to other areas of the map, the portals are also in the woods and can teleport players to dark areas that are unknown to new players.


A Nav Table can be built under one of the towers between the Farm and Power Plant, it will require a Meteorite that can be located In the hole in the wall at Bus Depot, also a Wooden plank that is found in the tunnel or near Tombstone, the Radio that’s needed is in the garage at the Diner on top of a shelf and the last item being an Electric Box found in Town or at the Farm.


The building from Nacht der Untoten can be found within the cornfield between the Farm and Power Station, Denizens don’t spawn in or around the building and parts for the Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 and the Nav Table can be found here.


The Musical Easter Egg on this map is Carrion by Treyarch Sound. It can be activated by finding 3 Teddy Bears scattered around the map. The first one is found on a bench in the fog leading to the Diner, second is on a mattress on the top floor of the farmhouse and the last one is in the bar at the town sitting in a booth near Stamin-Up.


The Tower of Babble is the main Easter Egg/Achievement on Tranzit and can be completed in two paths, Dr. Maxis’ Path or Richtofen’s Path. It’s all about obeying the voices.
Dr. Maxis’ Path:
Step 1: Two players will need to grab a Turbine from the Bus Depot. And proceed to build the power switch and turn it on, after turning it on, Dr. Maxis will request the power to be turned off. This must be done after he finishes his entire speech.
Step 2: Build the Nav Table and go to the Electrical Towers between the Farm and the Power Station, the cornfield is set up as a maze. After killing the last zombie while the lightning is directly above the player, the Enemy Avogadro will spawn. At this point, the players should place down two Turbines underneath the Pylon. Dr. Maxis will start talking as the Pylon charges up. When the Avogadro is directly underneath the tower, Dr. Maxis will say: “Finish him now.” Kill the Avogadro using all resources, the fastest way is to use EMP Grenades.  
Step 3: Four Turbines will need to be placed in a few locations, two under the Pylon, one under the streetlamp near the Diner, and the last one under the streetlamp at the Bus Depot.  
Done: The pylon will glow with orange surges, and occasionally drop power-ups underneath it. The streetlamps will have a red aura and the Green Run sign will flash orange. The Tower of Babble achievement/trophy will now be unlocked.  
Richtofen’s Path:
Step 1: After turning on the power, the players need to assemble the Thrustodyne Aeronautics (Jet Gun). It requires 4 parts to be assembled. A Jet Engine that can be found inside the tunnel, Wires found near Tombstone Soda, Handbrake found inside the Nacht der Untoten building, and lastly the Pressure Gauge that is found inside the Hunter’s Cabin. The build table is located on the first floor of the Bar.
Step 2: The players should go to the transmission tower located after the corn maze and shoot the tower until it breaks, Richtofen will now be heard by Samuel and the players will need to kill zombies near the tower with explosives until Richtofen talks to Samuel again about the power is too high.  
Step 3: Four EMP Grenades should now be thrown at four different green lamp posts, these lamp posts can be identified by the green light now emitting from them and are found all over the map. Each EMP should be thrown before and after teleporting through the lamp.  
Done: The pylon will glow with blue surges and a power-up will drop upon completion. The Green Run sign will also flash with blue lighting and all players will unlock the Tower of Babble achievement/trophy.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Night Light