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Call of Duty Maps

Shi No Numa

4.1/5 - (10 votes)
Release Date May 16, 2017
Location Japan
Remakes View All
Release DateLocationRemakes
May 16, 2017JapanView All
Edward Richtofen Tank Dempsey Nikolai Belinski Takeo Masaki

Maggot ridden corpses. Bug infested swamp. Hundreds of undead Imperial Army. Choose your tactic and defend for your lives! – Shi No Numa

Raygun Raygun Mark II Wunderwaffe DG-2 Annihilator Monkey Bomb

Raygun – AMMO: 180 Shots – Pack-A-Punched: 240 Shots – Reload: 3 Seconds – Fire Mode: Automatic.
Ray Gun Mark II – AMMO: 183 Shots – Pack-A-Punched: 243 Shots – Reload: 2.9 Seconds – Fire mode: 3-Round Burst.
Wunderwaffe DG-2 – AMMO: 18 Shots – Pack-A-Punched: 36 Shots – Reload: 6 Seconds – Fire mode: Automatic
Monkey Bomb – AMMO: 3 Tactical – Fire mode: Thrown.
Annihilator – AMMO: 18 Shots – Fire mode: Single-action.

Quick Revive Juggernog Speed Cola Double Tap Rootbeer II Mule Kick Der Wunderfizz Stamin-Up Deadshot Daiquiri Widow's Wine

Quick Revive: Shorter delay before regenerating health and increased regeneration rate. Revive Players faster.
Juggernog: Increased health from 100 to 250.
Speed Cola: Cuts reload time in half and builds barriers by 60% faster.
Double Tap Root Beer II: Increases bullet weapon damage by 33%.
Mule Kick: Carry an additional Primary weapon. A total of three guns. Going down will remove the last purchased weapon.
Der Wunderfizz: Grants player with random perk including perks not on the map.
Stamin-Up: Increased sprint speed and duration. Stamina regenerates faster.
Deadshot Daiquiri: Auto aims weapons at the head, increases hip-fire accuracy by 35%, and reduces weapon recoil.
Widow’s Wine: Replaces standard grenade with a spiderweb that slows zombies. It also increases melee damage.

gobble gum

The Gobble Gum gives the player one of the five selected in the pregame lobby, the cost is $1,500 and up as the rounds get higher, but the first one is free. The gum gives the players many different things including Shopping Free, any of the Power Ups, Pack-A-Punched wall and box weapons, perkaholic that give the player all the perks available on the map, and many others. Just over 50 Gobblegums are available.

power ups

Many types of Power-Ups are available on this map. Death Machine gives the player a minigun for 30 seconds with unlimited ammo, Carpenter rebuilds all the barriers across the map, Max Ammo will give all teammates full ammo, Double Points will grant every player with double the points fill kills and boarding up windows, Insta-Kill will instantly kill zombies with any bullet type for a limited time and Nuke will kill every zombie on the map including zombies that just spawn outside the map area.

wall weapons

The Wall Weapons change to the Black Ops 3 weapons and include the RK5, Sheiva, Pharo, KRM-262, KN-44, Kuda, L-CAR 9, Vesper, ICR-1, HVK-30, VMP, Argus, M8A7, Fragmentation Grenades and the Trip Mine. Grab the M8A7 and aim for the head!

box weapons

The Mystery Box weapons here have been changed yet again, you will find many of the Black Ops 3 multiplayer weapons like the HVK-30, ICR, Dingo, Vesper, SVG-100 and even the M8A7. But do not forget you can also get some old weapons like the MP40, STG-44 and the Bootlegger. If you are looking for something better, you can also get the Ray Gun Mark ll or the Annihilator pistol.

flogger trap

The Flogger Trap is a rotating wooden trap with long bars and barbed wire attached to it, it will cost 750 points to activate and kills zombies intently no matter the round level. It also takes time to cool down before you can reactivate it again. The Trap will kill players that get in its way, but players and zombie crawlers can both crawl under it and survive.


The first map to feature a Zipline, you can activate it just outside of the doctor’s quarters for a cost of 1500 points. The zipline will take you to the main hut and back down to the doctor’s quarters. Up to four players can ride the zipline at one time, any player not standing on the platform will be left behind. The zipline will also kill zombies and down any players that are in its path.


The Musical Easter Egg on the map can be activated by shooting or using the action button on the telephone found inside the Comm Room. The some that will play is The One, a song from Treyarch Music that is sung by Elena Siegman. Each character will make a comment if they are the one to activate it, Nikolai says “Another music Easter egg, I like this!”. Takeo says “I have discovered a mighty Easter egg of honor!” Richtofen says “Oh an Easter egg that plays music! How wonderful!” and Dempsey will say “What, are they going to put a music Easter egg in every map now?”

Samantha doll

Play the Musical Easter Egg Samantha’s Lullaby, find and shoot three pots with the main STARTING PISTOL inside the fishing hut, after shooting them the Samantha Doll can be found just outside the fishing hut, now shoot all the other Samantha dolls that appear on the fence posts until the doll reappears to its starting location. Active the doll to play the song and get a Max Ammo drop.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Night Light