Every single Weapon Class, including the Launcher and Special classes that receive their own Skill upgrades, can become more powerful with the help of the new Aetherium Crystals. Remember, these upgrades not only affect your starting weapon, but also any weapon picked up in-game, whether it’s a Wall Buy, a Trials Reward, or out of the Mystery Box.

Upgrades come at the cost of Aetherium Crystals, awarded upon reaching “Round Milestones” which is first archived at Round 10 with subsequent milestones occurring every 5 rounds. Three types can be found: Raw Aetherium Crystals, Refined Aetherium Crystals, and Flawless Aetherium Crystals.
Upgrade Costs: Tier I: 1 Raw Aetherium Crystal – Tier II: 2 Raw Aetherium Crystals – Tier III: 3 Raw Aetherium Crystals – Tier IV: 4 Refined Aetherium Crystals – Tier V: 5 Flawless Aetherium Crystals

Submachine Guns
Run and gun weapons. Stay on the move while entering and exiting combat quickly.
Tier I: Increased close-quarters bonus damage to 10%.
Tier II: Increased critical bonus damage to 10%.
Tier III: Unlock 3 additional attachment slots.
Tier IV: Increased close-quarters bonus damage to 25%.
Tier V: Increased critical bonus damage to 25%.

High damage spread fire at close range. Ineffective from a distance.
Tier I: Increased close-quarters bonus damage to 10%.
Tier II: Increased critical bonus damage to 10%.
Tier III: Increased armor penetration bonus damage to 10%.
Tier IV: Increased close-quarters bonus damage to 25%.
Tier V: Increased critical bonus damage to 25%.

Precision weapon with fast reload but lower damage.
High damage spread fire at close range. Ineffective from a distance.
Tier I: Increased close-quarters bonus damage to 10%.
Tier II: Increased critical bonus damage to 10%.
Tier III: Increased armor penetration bonus damage to 10%.
Tier IV: Increased close-quarters bonus damage to 25%.
Tier V: Increased critical bonus damage to 25%.

Tactical Rifles
Long range rifles. Limited CQB effectiveness, but excels at precision firing at long distances.
Tier I: Increased long shot bonus damage to 10%.
Tier II: Increased critical bonus damage to 10%.
Tier III: Unlock 3 additional attachement slots.
Tier IV: Increased long shot bonus damage to 25%.
Tier V: Increased critical bonus damage to 25%.

Sniper Rifles
Long range precision weapons. Highly lethal at long distances, but ineffective at close range.
Tier I: Increased armor penetration bonus damage to 10%.
Tier II: Increased critical bonus damage to 10%.
Tier III: Unlock 3 additional attachement slots.
Tier IV: Increased armor penetration bonus damage to 25%.
Tier V: Increased critical bonus damage to 25%.

Light Machine Guns
High powered weapons. Delivers high volume and massive firepower, at the cost of combat mobility.
Tier I: Increased armor penetration bonus damage to 10%.
Tier II: Increased critical bonus damage to 10%.
Tier III: Unlock 3 additional attachement slots.
Tier IV: Increased armor penetration bonus damage to 25%.
Tier V: Increased critical bonus damage to 25%.

Assault Rifles
Standard Full-Auto weapons, Jack of all trades, master of none.
Tier I: Increased long shot bonus damage to 10%.
Tier II: Increased critical bonus damage to 10%.
Tier III: Unlock 3 additional attachement slots.
Tier IV: Increased long shot bonus damage to 25%.
Tier V: Increased critical bonus damage to 25%.

Highly lethal up close but entirely ineffective from a distance.
Tier I: Replace gun butt with melee knife.
Tier II: Increased primary melee weapon bonus damage to 10%.
Tier III: Replace gun butt with Bowie knife.
Tier IV: Increased primary melee weapon bonus damage to 25%.
Tier V: Melee damage heals you a small amount.

Rocket Launchers firing explosive payloads.
Tier I: Increased bonus damage done to Special and Elite enemies to 10%.
Tier II: Increased bonus damage to enemy armor to 10%.
Tier III: 25% chance to take ammo fired from stock.
Tier IV: Increased bonus damage done to Special and Elite enemies to 25%.
Tier V: Increased bonus damage to enemy armor to 25%

Special weapons such as crossbows used in various tactical situations.
Tier I: Increased bonus damage done to Special and Elite enemies to 10%.
Tier II: Increased bonus damage to enemy armor to 10%.
Tier III: 25% chance to take ammo fired from stock.
Tier IV: Increased bonus damage done to Special and Elite enemies to 25%.
Tier V: Increased bonus damage to enemy armor to 25%