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Call of Duty Maps


4.2/5 - (9 votes)
Release Date November 6, 2015
Location Foy, Belgium
Remakes None
Release DateLocationRemakes
November 6, 2015Foy, BelgiumNone

Warped simulation of a World War 2 historical battle set in a quaint French village. – Infection


Floating rocks and islands can be seen on the outside of Infection, one of the things seen flouting is what everyone feels to be Samantha’s house from zombies.


The flipped-up ground that acts as a wall has the multiplayer map layout of Carentan from Call of Duty 2. Carentan was later remade in World War 2.


“Waffenfabrik Der Riese” a sign found on the map that was first seen on the zombie map Der Riese translates to “weapons factory of giant”.


On the wall is another reference to zombies map The Giant, a remake of Der Riese is a poster showing the layout and teleporter locations.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Night Light