Strike Packages are your different types of Killstreaks or Scorestreaks. Players can go with Assault to earn per kill and resetting upon death or Support to earn with deaths. The other option is Specialist, earn Perks with kills that reset upon death.

Satellite communications relay enemy movements. Multiple SAT COMs enhance effects.
Cost: 3 Kills
Unlocked: Default

The Intelligent Munitions System defects and eliminates enemy combatants.
Cost: 5 Kills
Unlocked: 5 Squad Points

Guard Dog
Man’s best friend. Choose between Wolf or Guard Dog from customize menu.
Cost: 5 Kills
Unlocked: Default

Sentry Gun
Place an automated Sentry Gun.
Cost: 7 Kills
Unlocked: 7 Squad Points

Trinity Rocket
Remote-controlled missile system that fires smart drone projectiles.
Cost: 7 Kills
Unlocked: 7 Squad Points

Battle Hind
Call in an assault helicopter.
Cost: 9 Kills
Unlocked: 9 Squad Points

A companion drone that protects your six.
Cost: 9 Kills
Unlocked: 9 Squad Points

Remote-controlled quadrotor that marks targets for detonation.
Cost: 10 Kills
Unlocked: 10 Squad Points

Knife expert with advanced armor that gives up guns for high speed.
Cost: 10 Kills
Unlocked: Default

Receive advanced assault armor with a Minigun via Care Package.
Cost: 11 Kills
Unlocked: 10 Squad Points

Helo Pilot
Pilot the AAS-72X into battle.
Cost: 12 Kills
Unlocked: 12 Squad Points

Assault the battlefield from the Loki Satellite.
Cost: 15 Kills
Unlocked: 15 Squad Points

Satellite communications relay enemy movements. Multiple SAT COMs enhance effects.
Cost: 4 Kills
Unlocked: Default

Ammo Crate
Deploy an Ammo Crate that supplies weapons and ammo to your team.
Cost: 6 Kills
Unlocked: Default

Ballistic Vests
Deploy a bag of Ballistic Vests for your team.
Cost: 8 Kills
Unlocked: 8 Squad Points

Free-fire shoulder mounted rocket launcher. Lase and hold on the target to guide missiles.
Cost: 9 Kills
Unlocked: 9 Squad Points

Night Owl
A companion drone that detects enemies based on proximity and protects you from explosives.
Cost: 10 Kills
Unlocked: 10 Squad Points

Support Squadmate
Get behind the guy with a Riot Shield.
Cost: 11 Kills
Unlocked: 11 Squad Points

Ground Jammer
Disable enemy ground communications and electronics.
Cost: 12 Kills
Unlocked: 12 Squad Points

Air Superiority
Call in fighter jets to destroy enemy aircraft.
Cost: 12 Kills
Unlocked: 12 Squad Points

Helo Scout
Provide sniper support from a controllable helicopter.
Cost: 13 Kills
Unlocked: 13 Squad Points

Uses GPS technology to detect and display enemies.
Cost: 14 Kills
Unlocked: Default

Juggernaut Recon
Receive advanced defensive armor with personal radar tech via Care Package.
Cost: 14 Kills
Unlocked: 14 Squad Points

Supply support from the Odin Satellite.
Cost: 16 Kills
Unlocked: 16 Squad Points

KEM Strike
Similar to the tactical nuke. The KEM Strike also provides the team with Double XP and can also change the effect and layout of some maps.
Cost: 25 Kills without death.

3 Perks can be selected with a max of an additional 8 slots after 8 kills. The KEM Strike can still be achieved using Specialist. View all the perks and the slot information on the Perks Page.