Secondary Weapons are your engagement style change weapons. These include Pistols for quick movement, Shotguns for up-close combat, Launchers for explosive support, and Melee weapons that include some cool new-style weapons.
Semi-auto pistol. Balanced damage with minimal recoil.
Unlocked: Default Magazine Size: 12 rounds
RK7 Garrison
3-round burst pistol. Fast cyclic rate of fire with moderate recoil.
Unlocked: Level 22 Magazine Size: 15 rounds
Double action revolver. Highest damage in class with long range capabilities.
Unlocked: Level 43 Magazine Size: 6 rounds
KAP 45
Full-auto pistol. Fast fire rate with high damage output.
Unlocked: DLC Magazine Size: 20 rounds
MOG 12
Pump-action shotgun. Reliable 2-shot kill with a short 1-shot kill range.
Unlocked: Level 8 Magazine Size: 4 rounds
SG 12
Semi-auto shotgun. High damage at short range with reduced hip-fire recoil.
Unlocked: Level 31 Magazine Size: 6 rounds
Lever-action shotgun. Improved handling with more ammo. Deadly accurate while aiming down sights.
Unlocked: DLC Magazine Size: 5 rounds
Hellion Salvo
Lock-on or free fire rocket launcher. Reliable anti-vehicle weapon with anti-personnel capabilities.
Unlocked: Default Magazine Size: 1 round
Combat Knife
Lethal melee weapon. Serrated blade that kills enemies with a deadly strike.
Unlocked: Level 55
Slay Bell
Lethal melee weapon. A vicious blunt force instrument that jungles as you slay.
Unlocked: DLC
Rising Tide
Lethal melee weapon. Once wielded by Monje, the infamous pirate lord with wild flowing hair.
Unlocked: DLC
Back Hander
Lethal melee weapon. The diseased and yet oddly resilient arm of some unfortunate soul.
Unlocked: DLC
Eye of Apophis
Lethal melee weapon. Eroding the edges of reality, dark necrotic energies offer a cursed promise of power.
Unlocked: DLC
Ballistic Knife
Spring-action knife launcher. Can be used in melee or as a projectile weapon.
Unlocked: DLC Magazine Size: 1 round
Reaver C86
Dual platform crossbow. Silently delivers lethal bolt projectiles.
Unlocked: DLC Magazine Size: 6 rounds