In Black Ops 4, score is retained through death. Chain together multiple kills in a single life for big Score bonuses. Once earned, call in a Scorestreak during combat and reap its benefits. Keep an eye on the...
Category - Extra
Everything none Map Related. Find things like challenges, weapons, equipment, campaign, and much much more!!
Wild Cards
Wildcards in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 allows you to customize your loadout with additional Perks, Weapons, and Weapon Mods that help better suit your playing style.
Perks are passive bonuses that can be mixed and matched to suit your playstyle. Experiment with different Perk combinations to boost your strengths or cover your weaknesses.
Gear will not deal lethal damage, but rather provides a potential strategic advantage within or outside of combat, such as providing extra armor. Grab the Stimshot to give yourself a health boost, use the Acoustic...
This selection of handheld tools inflicts lethal amounts of damage to enemy infantry or prevents it from harming you or your team. Some also wear down enemy vehicles and other technology. All the equipment is throwable...
Secondary Weapons
Secondary Weapons are your engagement style change weapons. These include Pistols for quick movement, Shotguns for up-close combat, Launchers for explosive support, and Melee weapons that include some cool new-style...
Primary Weapons
Your main weapon should suit your style of play. Many weapons provide different styles. Options inside Black Ops 4 include Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Tactical Rifles, Light Machine Guns, and Sniper Rifles.
Dark Ops
Dark Ops challenges are revealed as you earn them. They do not count toward percent complete. This list is a full list of all available Dark Ops challenges found in the Blackout, Multiplayer, and Zombies on Call of...
Vehicles play an extremely important role in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s battle royale mode, Blackout; after all, your two feet can only get you so far on the main map. Choose between Land, Air, and Ocean Vehicles, Some...
Specialists are back and they're as lethal as ever. Doesn’t matter if your thing is speed, support, rushing, or tactics; there’s a Specialist that should suit your needs with abilities specifically designed to maximize...
Tactical Equipment
Handheld Tactical Equipment from the 1900s, this selection of equipment provides players with the tools to disorient or blind the enemy. Cover an area with smoke or gas the enemies out of the area.
Lethal Equipment
Handheld Lethal Equipment from the 1900s, this selection of equipment provides players with explosives, Throwing Knives, and even some lethal fire.
Earn score by eliminating enemies and playing objectives. In Call of Duty WWII, the score is retained through death. Once earned, call in a Scorestreak during combat and reap its benefits. Keep an eye on the Scorestreak...
Basic Training Perks
Like Perks from previous Call of Duty games, Basic Training skills are perks you can select to give your soldier enhanced abilities or advantages to assist you on the battlefield. Unlike Perks, each class can only equip...
rifles, as well as a special skill and Division Training. Each division has a progression system of 4 ranks, giving the player more abilities with the division. After all 4 ranks of a division are completed and the...
Secondary Weapons
Secondary weapons include many World of War 2 pistols and Launchers. Only one Melee weapon is available, the US Shovel has a great balance of speed and damage. Use it to bury your enemy and show you got the skills to...
Primary Weapons
Lots of World War 2 weapons are found to be options under Primary Weapons, these include Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, and Shotguns. The PPSH-41 is a great all-around weapon with a large...
War Missions
War Missions is an all-new game mode where players must work as a team to defeat the enemy. This narrative-driven Multiplayer experience immerses players in iconic World War II battles. Allied and Axis forces clash in...
Call of Duty: WWII tells the story of a young recruit in the U.S. First Infantry Division who experiences combat for the first time on D-Day. After surviving the beaches of Normandy, your squad will fight their way...
Special Ops Challenges are secret Multiplayer Challenges, each one grants the player with XP, Challenge Score, and a special Calling Card. Some are just about impossible to complete, with the right timing and precision...
Tactical Equipment
Tactical Equipment is great for distracting the enemies, jam the enemy map, defend an area from enemy projectiles or even smoke them out. The Nano Shot can regenerate your health if needed.
Lethal Equipment
ment is your best option to flush out an enemy from hiding or protect an area for yourself and your team. Most will kill on impact and others will disorient the enemy.
Perks are bonuses that you can attach to your player, each one provides a different bonus. Some keep you hidden and others allow you to move faster. Some perks also cancel out others!
Scorestreaks are player-operated or call-in weapons that are granted after earning a set score limit. Each scorestreak has three upgrades that can be attached to make them more powerful. The score is not reset upon...
Combat Rig’s are selected to suit your strategy and style. The Payload is a powerful weapon or ability that can be activated once fully charged and Traits are passive ability’s that are unique to its Rig.
Mission Teams
Mission Teams are special factions featured in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Mission Teams allow for the completion of special challenges to earn Prototype Weapons, Emblems, Calling Cards, Combat Rig customization...
Secondary Weapons
Secondary Weapons found in Infinite Warfare are your go-to weapon when out of ammo or need a quick change of playstyle. These weapons include up close and personal melee weapons and rockets that can be used to take down...
Primary Weapons
Primary Weapons in Infinite Warfare range from Classic weapons, moderate weapons, and futuristic weapons. The Primary Weapons class is your main weapon for battle so choose wisely!
After a devastating attack on earth, as Captain Reyes, a Tier 1 Special Operations pilot, you must lead the remaining coalition forces against a relentless enemy, while trying to overcome the deadly, extreme...
Exo Survival
Exo Survival mode pits you and up to three other players against countless waves of enemy soldiers, drones, Dobermans, and ASTs. The rounds get increasingly more difficult, with more hostiles and the occasional...
Wild Cards
Wildcards are loadout adjustments that offer options like two primary weapons, extra perks from the same Tier, extra lethal grenades, and even extra attachments.
Perks provide the player with extra benefits like faster hands, decreased explosive damage, faster running ability, immunity to tactical equipment, and even the ability to remain invisible to UAV and Scorestreaks.
Exo Launcher
Exo Launchers are your Tactical and Lethal Equipment all in one location. These range from a basic Frag Grenade to a Tracking Drone.
Exo Ability
The Exo Ability is a modification option to the Exoskeleton in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. Each ability provides a different play style option with some giving extra armor and others providing extra movement...
Scorestreaks in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare is earned through Score. After collecting enough score the player will be able to call in support for his team. These range from a basic UAV to a Paladin with a secret...
Secondary Weapons
Your Secondary Weapon is your go-to weapon if you run low on ammo or just need a change in play style. Use your secondary to shoot down scorestreaks or to overtake a small area that requires some pistol action.
Primary Weapons
Primary Weapons in Advanced Warfare is your main weapon. Some include old-style bullet weapons as others are full futuristic laser direct energy weapons. What will you pick!
Welcome to 2054. The world is in chaos and it's up to you to bring it back from the brink. You'll assume the role of Private Jack Mitchell, a young marine who finds himself reborn as a soldier working for the Atlas...
Dark Ops
Dark Ops challenges are secret challenges found in Black Ops 3. Dark Ops challenges are revealed as you earn them. They do not count towards percent complete.
Tactical Equipment
Tactical Equipment in Black Ops 3 ranges from seven different options, some are used to disorient enemies and others are great for defending areas. Black Hat can be used for hacking enemy equipment and scorestreaks.
Lethal Equipment
Lethal Equipment is your go-to method for flushing out campers, getting kills from guarding locations or just showing off with the Combat Axe. Each one provides a different alternative to your play style.
Scorestreaks are earned through kills and points, they give the player and sometimes his team a bonus. These Scorestreaks include lethal and visual benefits from the standard UAV to a deadly Mothership that rains down...
Wild Cards
Wild Cards are ways to modify your loadout, these Cards can allow players to have extra perks from the same tier, two primary weapons, and even carry an extra Tactical or Lethal.
Perks are passive bonuses that help the player and his play style. Be invisible to UAV, Run and move faster, handle your weapon faster, or even tack enemy footsteps.
Secondary Weapons
Secondary Weapons are your backup weapons or playstyle change weapons. These include melee weapons, Pistols, and Launchers. Some require an Unlock Token, these are granted at each level.
Primary Weapons
Primary Weapons in Black Ops 3 are your main Weapon. The types include Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Snipers, and Light Machine Guns. Some require an Unlock Token, these are granted at each level.
Nine Specialists are seen in Black Ops III, each of them has both a unique weapon and a unique ability, but players can only choose one to use during each match. Each Specialist has a unique voice and personality. A...
The Future of Combat. Black Ops III engrosses players in a dark and gritty future, where a new breed of Black Ops soldier has emerged, and the lines between humanity and military technology have been blurred. You must...
Strike Packages
Strike Packages are your different types of Killstreaks or Scorestreaks. Players can go with Assault to earn per kill and resetting upon death or Support to earn with deaths. The other option is Specialist, earn Perks...